How thick is door skin plywood?

06 May.,2024


Door Skin Plywood Thin Thickness 3X7 ft Plywood - Dongstar

Decorative plywood can be used for making skins for interior doors. This door skin size 3×7 feet with different kinds of face veneer.

The company is the world’s best door skin plywood supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.

Door skin hardwood plywood is manufactured from high end quality smooth painted grade veneer from sustainable Malaysian tropical blend hardwood.

The surface quality is flawless and provides a perfect finish for painting and paper overlay applications.

Door skin hardwood plywood using adhesive glue (external phenolic resin).

As a professional factory of cheap price door skin plywood, we have been exporting our door size plywood in large quantity to Middle East, South Asia, South America, Africa, etc.

doorskin plywood

doorskin plywood

Discussion in 'Materials' started by Steve W, .

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