Discussion in 'Materials' started by Steve W, .
Are you interested in learning more about door skin plywood? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!
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Plywood door skin is one of our main specialties.
Aside from our higher end soft or hard wood veneer and 1/8″ inch solid wood stave doors, we also offer a full range of soft wood and hard wood ply wood skins for stain or paint. In our most economical range of products, we offer our paint grade, MDF, MDO, Masonite, and Formica alternatives for more restrictive projects.
Ply wood is at the core of your most economical, yet stable substrates. Ply offers you the strength and stability you need to achieve the style and function you need from the most rigorously used doors you can imagine.
Enjoy real hardwood grain when you’re on a tight budget.
Hard Wood skins create a pleasant environment that never goes out of fashion and offers so many style choices, so you can achieve the precise look to convey your brand and image. Whether it’s the upper echelon of the high end residential market or the most reputable segment of the commercial industry, the hard wood look might be your absolute best choice for your current applications.
Want more information on plywood for concrete formwork? Feel free to contact us.
Many customers choose MDO or MDF because it has good warp-free capability and good resistance to water. MDF is popular for indoor use, because it is very smooth for priming and painting applying your own veneers.
We offer a wide variety of Formica, Masonite, or other types of HPL (High Pressure Laminate) textures and finishes. We can apply any kind of HPL skin, and many come in natural wood grain designs which are indistinguishable from the real thing but almost indestructible. This is why you find HPL is high traffic industrial and medical environments, resistant to damage and easy to clean. Just give us the product number and manufacturer. We can apply it!
FRP Fiberglass is another very popular option. This beautiful, durable skin option is found in some of the highest end applications, because it exudes quality and wealth.
We can apply any skin. If there is a skin you need that you don’t see on our website, please ask. We can apply any skin. Your panels are only limited by your imagination.
In our mid level category, we offer beautiful, real hardwood veneer with solid hardwood edges. Solid hard wood edges are an additional option.
In our highest end price point, we offer full on wood stave skin doors, made with the highest quality hard and soft wood 1/8″ real hardwood stave skin. Click here to see some of the most beautiful doors in the world.
For more information, please visit lvl beams .